Can't profile your code or get builds to execute on Adobe Commerce Cloud? Please send us some logs.
For any support request for Blackfire on Adobe Commerce Cloud, please gather logs as follows and send us a full copy.
Create a temporary log file.
magento-cloud variable:create --name php:blackfire.log_file --value /tmp/blackfire.log
Set the logging level.
magento-cloud variable:create --name php:blackfire.log_level --value 4
Display startup errors and save the output. magento-cloud ssh "php -d display_startup_errors=on --ri blackfire"
Start a profile/build again and collect the logs.
magento-cloud ssh "cat /tmp/blackfire.log" > blackfire.log
Send us the output.
Please then make sure to disable the Blackfire logs
You can disable logging by cleaning the temporary log file and removing the log level:
magento-cloud variable:delete php:blackfire.log_file
magento-cloud variable:delete php:blackfire.log_level