Troubleshooting for Blackfire users on
⚠️ This troubleshooting guide is designed solely for users of If your code is not hosted on that platform, please refer to our standard troubleshooting guide.
1. Bypassing Reverse Proxy, Cache, and Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
If you are using one of those, you will need them to let Blackfire access your servers. More information on how to configure a bypass.
2. HTTP Cache configuration
If you are using the HTTP cache with cookies
, please update in your
the cookies that are allowed to go through the cache. You need to allow the __blackfire
cookie name.
Something like:
enabled: true
cookies: [“/SESS.*/“, “__blackfire”]
3. Sending us the Blackfire logs
If the above didn't help, please send us:
The output of
platform ssh -- php -d display_startup_errors=on --ri blackfire
command -
The Blackfire logs
Getting the Blackfire logs
Please execute the following in the environment where you're facing the issue:
platform variable:create --name php:blackfire.log_file --value /tmp/blackfire.log
platform variable:create --name php:blackfire.log_level --value 4
start a profile/build again
You will get the logs we need with platform ssh -- cat /tmp/blackfire.log > blackfire.log
Please send them via the chat here, or to
Disabling the Blackfire logs
Once you are done, please disable logging with:
platform variable:delete php:blackfire.log_file
platform variable:delete php:blackfire.log_level